A message from Epner’s new President Paul Brancato

Your Web search has landed you on the site of, arguably, the most technically sophisticated specification electroplating company in the country, and maybe in the world according to the University of Leicester in the UK.
To back up that statement, Epner Technology is the only plating company who has had a proprietary process, Laser Gold, selected for its peerless IR reflectivity, by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, (NIST) for their catalog of Standard Reference Materials!
Founded in 1910, as a jewelry plater, Epner’s high tech experience goes back more than 80 years to the silver and gold plating of microwave “plumbing” for the first ever, top secret, radar systems.
Perhaps as important as our technical prowess, is our ability to thoroughly communicate with our customer. We want a complete picture of our customer’s requirements and we take the time to make sure we have a clear understanding of the problem that our unique talent and hundred years of experience might solve.
To make navigating this site as simple as we can, the links below may be helpful. We are especially proud of our Testimonials, our unconventional Mission Statement, and of the research published by James Tuttle, a research engineer and NASA Goddard, in Cryogenics Journal.

Dear Valuable Customers,
I want to share with my readers a recently received letter. With our customer, Raytheon, we again achieved our constant goal of being The quality supplier that “came through”.
Click Here for direct access to the letter.
David Epner, President Emeritus, Epner Technology Inc.
Laser Gold: From Nasa’s MMS Spacecraft… to The Oscars
Epner Technology’s proprietary 24 karat gold process, Laser Gold, achieves the theoretical IR reflectivity and ultra-low emissivity of a pure gold. With a Knoop hardness of almost 200, Laser Gold is three times harder than any other pure gold plating process. Specified by NASA for thermal control of instruments, Laser Gold is aboard virtually every spacecraft from the earliest GOES weather satellites to the infrared cameras on the Hubble and the James Webb Space Telescope.
In 2016, the Motion Picture Academy, for the first time, chose Laser Gold to adorn one of the most recognized symbols of quality in the world… the Oscars!
Gold Coating Keeps Oscars Bright
Industrial Productivity
NASA Technology
The Academy Awards ceremony is probably the last place most people would look for NASA technology, but it turns out the Space Agency has had an impact even on the glammest of Hollywood red carpets: the coveted Oscar trophy.
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Our inspector inside of a 3 meter high chemical reaction vessel.
The ultra-high infrared reflective performance of Laser Gold®, dramatically increases the efficiency of this water-cooled device.
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Plastic microwave filter housing. Injection molded Ultem® plastic plated with 2.5 microns High-Q Silver®.
One of thousands produced during the telecom boom.
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Space Instrument. 0.5 meter in diameter.
Ultra-low emissivity Laser Gold® contrasting the high emissivity Laser Black.
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One quadrant of the Alpha Laser beam clipper. Laser Gold® over a diamond-turned copper substrate. This Laser was the heart of the missile defense concepts of Star Wars. The full beam clipper being installed in the laser.
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Infrared light pipes lined with Laser Gold®. Sometimes called homogenizer's, or hollow waveguides, these custom fabricated light guides are made by a process known as electroforming.
Often used in gas sensors, the interior surface roughness is measured in Ångströms.
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Aluminum machined housing. Electroless Nickel plated followed by Gold plating to MIL-G-45204 .
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Four, 6-foot-diameter Laser Gold® structural rings separate each of four satellites
for the Multiscale Magnospheric spacecraft. (MMS) A yet to be launched NASA mission.
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A 2 foot high cast bronze egg. An art work that Epner polished and laser goldplated for a gallery in Europe.
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Critical housing for the Geostationery Lightning Mapper.
Laser Gold plated to help maintain thermal stability aboard
The yet-to-be-launched GOES-R weather satellite.
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A Message from David Epner, President of Epner Technology
We are a third-generation family-owned high-tech engineering plating company. Our proprietary Laser Gold and Laser Black optical coatings are world renowned. But as you can see listed in the column on the right, we are also known as a specification plating service for aerospace companies, contract machine shops that serve them, and and other high-tech applications around the world. Epner Technolgy is dedicated to making you look smarter than we both know you really are. See our complete Mission Statement.

Dear Valuable Customers,
I want to share with my readers a recently received letter. With our customer, Raytheon, we again achieved our constant goal of being The quality supplier that “came through”.
Besides sharing this letter with you, we are putting a copy in with every employee’s paycheck this week. I want each of them to take it home and proudly show it to their family, letting them know what important work our company does and how their hard work and skill is what helps makes our company great.
Click Here for direct access to the letter.
David Epner, President, Epner Technology Inc.
Laser Gold: From Nasa’s MMS Spacecraft… to The Oscars

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Epner Technology’s proprietary 24 karat gold process, Laser Gold, achieves the theoretical IR reflectivity and ultra-low emissivity of a pure gold. With a Knoop hardness of almost 200, Laser Gold is three times harder than any other pure gold plating process. Specified by NASA for thermal control of instruments, Laser Gold is aboard virtually every spacecraft from the earliest GOES weather satellites to the infrared cameras on the Hubble and the James Webb Space Telescope.
In 2016, the Motion Picture Academy, for the first time, chose Laser Gold to adorn one of the most recognized symbols of quality in the world… the Oscars!
Our Flagship Processes
Laser Gold
Laser Gold plating is a proprietary, pure, hard electrochemically deposited gold coating that combines the theoretical reflectivity and emissivity of gold, with a surface that can actually be physically cleaned!
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Specification Plating
Epner works in accordance with all applicable ASTM, AMS, MIL, and Prime Contractor specifications. Epner maintains a Quality System implementing ISO 9001:2008.
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Light Pipes
Epner Technology manufactures custom designed Infrared Light Pipes, Hollow Waveguides and Homoginizers. These are tubes lined with a highly polished infrared reflective coating of Laser Gold.
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Metalizing Plastic and Difficult Substrates
Some of the earliest patents for plating on plastics were owned by Epner Technology. They were for gold plating plastic military buttons and insignia during World War II, saving millions of pounds of brass being use for shell casings.
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Laser Black
A velvet-like metallic oxide, Laser Black is an inorganic coating that will not out-gas. It can be applied to any substrate that can withstand 100C. It has been said that, “It seems to swallow light.”
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High-Q Silver
Epner Technology offers an ultra pure, un-brightened, type 1 matte silver that achieves its brightness not with organic brighteners, but rather grain refiners that enhance its crystal structure.
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Works of Art
Epner Technology set up a division that draws on its high technology know-how and applies it to the world of art, sculpture and jewelry, in order to contribute to the artist’s creativity.
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Laser Gold Thermal Foil
A copper foil .001″ thick (0,025 mm) is coated with Laser Gold for the ultimate thermal control barrier. The auto race car market has driven the need to protect carbon fiber components from the blistering heat generated by the engine and exhaust system.
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